Attraction Marketing: Simple 7 Step Method to DOMINATE Your Industry

September 11, 20226 min read


'Attraction Marketing' is a strategy of ATTRACTING people to you who already have an interest in buying what you have to offer. As a marketing strategy, the concepts of attraction marketing help you set your brand apart, clearly define your target markets' wants and needs, and allow you to serve them better than your competition. 

Attraction Marketing: 7 Simple Steps to DOMINATE Your Industry

This article contains the antidote for what crushes most entrepreneurial dreams, and the 2 biggest reasons why 90% of business fail within their first year:  no leads... no money... or both.

Now, this may ruffle some feathers...but we don't care - we didn't make this blog post for them - we made it for YOU  (we're on YOUR side).

We're sick and tired of entrepreneurs being told to do things that simply do not work by gurus that are more interested in keeping you buying their training rather than solving your business problems.

Instead, we're going to explain exactly how you can easily embrace 'Attraction Marketing' in YOUR business TODAY and finally get the results you desire.

If that sound good to you, and you want to learn how every single top earner is marketing their business online and making a fortune, let's dive into this Attraction Marketing Guide together...

Whether you want to get more coaching clients, get more speaking gigs, or get more customers & buyers for ANY business, the following 7-Step Attraction Marketing Method is the best way to build a stable, successful, long term business in ANY industry.


Most of the time, you must Brand YOU first, NOT your company. People join people, NOT companies... and they are looking for leadership.

It really doesn't matter what type of company you have, or how big it is. Some examples of multi-national companies that were built on the brands of their leadership include Microsoft's Bill Gates, Amazon's Jeff Bezos, Apple's Steve Jobs and now Tim Cook, Tesla's Elon Musk and Virgin Records Richard Branson.

While these business may no longer rely on the personal brands of their leaders, smaller local and service oriented businesses MUST make this integral to their marketing.

Therefore, you must Brand YOU! Step up, become the Leader, YOU are the ONE!

The only unique thing about you, is YOU!  It's NOT your product, service, or offer (chances are there are others trying to sell the same product or service as you!)... branding YOU is one important way in which you can stand out from the crowd.

The only way to become 'recession-proof' and create ultimate financial security in your business is to BRAND YOU.

There are 3 big reasons why you want to begin by BRANDING YOU, and NOT your company...

  1. People buy products from and join PEOPLE, NOT companies.
    People buy from and do business with people they know, like, and trust. They join PEOPLE. If you can become the leader in your prospect's eyes, and they feel you can get them where they want to go... they will join you. Now that you know people join people and NOT companies, stop marketing your company up front.

  2. Companies come and go, but YOU are here to stay. Businesses come and go all the time. In fact, 90% of businesses don't survive the first 5 years in ANY industry. Build your business on concrete, not quicksand... Brand YOU.

  3. Branding the company will guarantee you LOSE customers.
    If you are branding your company all over Facebook, Instagram, and social media, there will be a percentage of your prospects that 'google' the company before you connect with them... But if you are positioned as an expert in your field, no matter what that field is, chances are they will think of you first when they have a need that you can solve. It really doesn't matter what industry you are in.

    For example, let's say you own a plumbing company. What makes your plumbing company brand stand out from the rest especially if the services, availability and guarantees are no different than your competitors. What makes one company stand out as the leader in the market? I call it MegaFluence...and much of that has to do with being perceived as THE EXPERT!
    I don't know about you, but I'd rather have contract with the best to do a job for me....not some also-ran. EXPERTISE only comes from individuals...not companies!

  4. And 'Branding YOU' has NOTHING to do with how much money you are making, or have made. In fact, ironically, branding YOU has nothing to do with you at all really... it's about THEM... it's about the people you're going to serve...

    Don't stress about having to put together an impressive resume to attract buyers for your business... nobody cares about that.

    Your prospect cares about ONE thing: what's in it for them.

    What is Branding - Seth Godin

    As you will see in Step 4 below your audience wants answers to their questions, solutions to their problems, and pain-killers for their pain... so don't worry if you're brand new or haven't made any money before.

    Attraction Marketing is NOT 'fake it til you make it,' or pretending you're something you're not, or lying about how much money you've made

    Attraction Marketing is about getting good at something your target audience wants, and then It's about SERVING & IMPACTING your audience with consistent VALUE.

    And check this out... this is why VALUE is so important as you Build & Brand YOU...


    Once you grasp this concept with the necessity to BRAND YOU, you just may begin to understand why most marketers & business owners fail and stay broke!

    It's not even your fault if you're struggling to grow your business right now!  You have been mis-lead by somebody who knows nothing about marketing, sales, and building a business...

    Now this doesn't necessarily apply to everyone, but a great example comes from the network marketing industry. People in this industry are simply engaging in direct sales, and their company consists of their customers and the people they recruit to also engage in direct sales

    More often than not, the company they represent want them to build their business the way THEY, (the MLM company owners), want it using methods such as cold calling, home parties, hotel meetings, friends and family, bandit signs, approaching strangers at the mall, etc...

    And for 99% of people... THESE STRATEGIES DO NOT WORK... AND WILL NEVER WORK!  And NOBODY likes doing them!

    No, No, No

    But we know from decades of experience that many people would rather jump off a cliff than do any of these activities. NO business will succeed with this blueprint...

    Now maybe you're thinking, "Ok Great! This Attraction Marketing / Brand YOU approach makes sense... I now understand why I should brand ME... But HOW do I brand myself and attract customers and buyers to me especially if I'm brand new or haven't made any money yet?"

    We address this (and more) in Step 2 below...

Click Here for a more details and to get the audiobook version of Ultimate Guide to Attraction Marketing

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