Is Dynamic Caller ID Good For Your Brand?

If you are like most people, you’ve become numb to the overwhelming influx of spam and telemarketer robocalls coming to your smartphone . As a result, how often do you pick up an incoming phone call versus letting most calls go to voicemail? The inherent problem with call tracking software and dynamic Caller ID is that it isn’t always a good choice for your brand.
Like it or not, legitimate outbound sales calls are an integral sales tactic for many businesses. However, the act of making a phone call isn’t enough to reach someone in 2022 – there needs to be a strong strategy behind it. It’s more likely than ever before that the person you’re trying to reach will let your call go to voicemail without a second thought.
I’m certainly one of those people that often does not pickup an incoming phone call unless it is coming from a person in my contact list. The benefit is that instead of getting just the caller ID, that ID is converted to the name of the person associated with that number.
I’m fortunate in that my phone number has a different area code than the one I live in. I automatically know that when I get an incoming call from the area code associated with my number, it’s more than likely to be an unwanted robocall.
Again, the real problem is what is called Dynamic Caller ID because it might not be in alignment with your brand.
Also known as Local Presence Dialing or Smart CallerID, this is an automated tactic that helps an organization with remote or virtual call centers to place calls that display a local phone number to the person being called.
Did you know that people are four times more likely to answer a local number?
The main reason businesses MUST consider using dynamic caller ID is to increase the probability for having their calls answered. Individuals are less likely to answer calls from “unknown” numbers or numbers they do not recognize.
Research on the impact of Caller ID has shown that this can be an effective tactic, as people tend to be more inclined to pick up a call when the Caller ID is coming from their state, city, or local area.
It is most often employed by outbound call centers that make calls to customers and prospects whether it be for sales, collections, surveys, research, fundraising, or proactive customer notifications.
It’s also important to note that dynamic caller ID & local presence dialing are NOT considered illegal number spoofing. They differ from one another in terms of legality & efficacy.
Number spoofing is not only illegal, but also ineffective. Spoofing involves tricking telecom and VOIP carriers by using phone numbers that are actually owned by another entity.
With dynamic caller ID, you are the legal owner of a given set of local phone numbers. So if a contact misses your call and tries to call back, they can make that call using the local number that appeared on their caller ID. On the other hand, consumers aren’t able to call back spoofed numbers.
The problem is that there is no way for the receiver of a call to know whether the number that appears on their phone is legitimate or spoofed.
For several decades, numerous organizations including the United Nations, Gallup and Edelman Communications have been researching “Trust.”
The primary conclusion among the top 10 findings in Edelman’s Annual Trust Barometer was that distrust is now society’s default emotion. Nearly 60% said their default tendency is to distrust individuals until evidence shows otherwise.
Because of this erosion of trust and competition for customers, the unfettered use of personal data is quickly coming to an end. In fact, zero-party data is becoming the new norm as more and more people seek privacy.
That is why, with the fast evolution of the internet and e-commerce, Trust is the new foundation for conducting business..
Caller ID is the first impression some consumers may have with your brand, and successful relationships are built upon trust.
It depends.....
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